Start Your Day with Reading His Word and Prayer
2 min read
Com’on Guys…
It’s so wonderful when we seek God first as we wake up everyday, blessed by God for another day in our LIFE…
I still remember those shabby days, four to five years ago, before a friend of mine introduced me to Bible Reading Group. Those old days were so hectic, full of problems, full of anxiety, full of stress, both at home and in office. Really very very painful..
But you can get rid of all this by starting your day by seeking God every morning by reading His Word, Meditation and Prayer. This really has worked wonders in my life! I am sure your life too will change dramatically if you start each day by reading the Bible and Prayer… 🙏
I still work hard, but it’s never hectic, stressful or painful, as before. The problems of everyday life are still there in plenty, both at home and in office. But by starting my day with Bible reading and Prayer, I have discovered new strength and an inner peace, that passeth all understanding, which only comes from seeking God through His Word and communicating to Him in Prayer. 🤩
I have discovered a new meaning of Love, a new meaning of existence, a new meaning of life, a new meaning of loving, giving and sharing with others. By God’s grace and favour, I am now above this rat-race of life, so full of competition, stress, pressure, disappointments, envy, jealousy, lies, pride, cheating and arrogance…
This is all because I start my day by reading His Word and Prayer everyday…👍
This Godly experience can be yours too! Do start your day with reading His Word and Prayer… Spend at least half hour every day in Bible reading and Prayer and all things will be added unto You!😊
So com’on Guys…
Rachel and me are waiting for each of you to read and report soon! 🙏
Have a nice day! God bless!
Dan Edwin
Bible Reading Movement Host
August 12, 2019