"Doa orang yang benar, bila dengan yakin didoakan, sangat besar kuasanya." Yakobus 5:16 (TB) Doa adalah napas hidup kita sebagai...
Shalom SOBAT GBA! Yuk… kita bergabung di LIVE YOUTUBE Channel GBA Center 🗓️ Sabtu, 27 Maret 2021⏰ Jam 21.00 WIB...
Saya asal dari India. Sekolah dasar di India. S1 di London School of Economics, England. MBA dari Asian Institute of...
Hi friends.. It's always wonderful to start your day by reading the Bible!!! Don't put it off! The devil will...
Com'on Guys... It's so wonderful when we seek God first as we wake up everyday, blessed by God for another...