What GOD has Done!!! ~ A Testimony part 2
6 min read“I will not die but live, and will proclaim what the LORD has done.” Psalms 118:17 (NIV)
In spite of my troubles, worries, frustrations in my life, I forced myself to focus on God. More so, because God had brought me to a point, where I had no one else to turn to, except to Him. In the beginning it was difficult. But with constant efforts, my mind and soul, started to focus on God. A verse that God led me to was, Psalm 118:17, “I will not die but live, and will proclaim what the LORD has done.”
As a follower of Jesus, my calling came to love Him, with all my strength, with all my mind, with all my heart, and soul. Many times in my past life, during bad times or even good times, I kept away from focus on God.
Today, it is totally different. When I wake up every morning, there is only one thing on my mind: to pray, to read God’s word, and spend 15 mins or more in silence, meditating one particular verse I liked in the bible reading for that day. All this, I do at 3am, before the break of dawn. This recharges me for the whole day ahead. Then I make coffee, turn on my laptop, get on social media, sip my coffee, and get ready for my work day. This is my typical daily morning routine. I enjoy this quite morning time with God. There is something precious about being alone with God, early in the morning everyday, by sacrificing your sleep. Before, I used to wake up around 7am. Then my day would start in a “me-focused” mode, that shut me out from being with God, reading His Word, seeking His direction and peace for the day. Sadly, I was only speeding up my “God-less” days ahead.
More than 6 years ago, in lowest state of my downfall, my friend Ruddy, introduced me to the GBA Reading Group in Indonesia. Ever since then, this Group of Daily Bible Reading Christians, has greatly impacted my daily life, my daily routine and my lifestyle. It has made me a true Christian, helped me read the entire Bible many times over, better understand the Bible, practice daily prayer and do meditation. Today, I am happy to tell you all that I now read 3 Bible Menus a day, post daily in 3 Bible Reading Groups. I now read 15 chapters daily. Something I had never dreamed of, nor even thought this could be ever possible for me. Moreover, today, I not only read 15 chapters daily, and post in 3 Groups, but I am also ‘Host’ for 2 of these 3 Bible Reading Groups. What a blessing from God! He took me from a ‘No Bible’ reading person, to become someone who reads 15 chapters every morning, in one stretch. Further, God has even added to me responsibility for preparing what to write, what to say to encourage and post materials that inspire other members of these 2 Groups. God is with me as Host, as I try to bring members closer to God, develop their daily Bible reading habit. Most of my postings as Host, are based on my own true life thoughts, personal aspirations, and my life experiences with God. This has made me to be God’s daily witness, for Him and His Gospel. God has also equipped me through God’s Word, by His wisdom, support and direction. Glory be to God, who has made me a strong witness for Him, in the GBA and BRM Groups.
Around about the same time, about 6 years ago, suddenly a friend came and offered partnership in his Company, in return for my business expertise. My equity was not any investment in money, (as I had no money even to buy food), but my brain that God has blessed me with, was my investment in this business partnership, that has prospered well.
These changes to my life and God’s restorations, are simply unbelievable acts of God in my life. It is only by His Mercy and Grace that, God pulled me out of the dark pit I was in for almost 5 years of my life, because I had determined to repent and return back to Him. Today, I still read 15 chapters everyday, report to 3 Bible Reading Groups, be the Host for 2 Bible Reading Groups, work hard and lead my Company to grow. We started the business with only 3 employees, about 6 years ago. Now we have grown to 55 employees. Only God helped me and my Company to grow economically well in business. God blessed and established me, with more than that which He had taken away from me. The secret is: I built my foundation on God’s rock and His shelter. Glory and praise be to God.
The next move by God, was to restore my family and my wealth. He changed my outlook and matured me in His love. He took away my hate, pride, arrogance, anger and frustrations, and replaced them with love, humbleness, faith, serving others and generosity. My children also forgave me for my old way of life and I too have forgiven them for forsaking me. I deserved it. My two daughters are my angels. They live with me, enjoying the comforts, luxuries, love and care, that God provides for us, including other worldly riches. Gradually, with God’s blessings and with the money being earned, I was once again able to buy property, afford comfort and all luxuries of a good God blessed life.
When we prosper God, He too will prosper us. To become prosperous, we have to prosper God first. Do not be afraid to speak out, or witness for God. Let others know what God has done for you. Because, when we have the courage to speak up, God too will speak up for us.
Therefore, all my dear friends who are reading the Part 2 of my testimony, I urge you all to put God first in your lives and give Him a simple sacrifice everyday. I had nothing to give Him or to even help others in need like me. I only had ‘time’ to give to God. He took it and blessed me with a rich harvest. So friends, just our time, or our help for others, or social service, or our being His witness, or our dedication to knowing more of His Word, His Teachings and His Ways, can turn around our lives. God will use these seeds you have to bless you with an amazing harvest. God has blessed each one of us with special and unique talents. We should use this first for the glory of God. Then our rewards will multiply. We all have time, if we plan our daily activities well. Our time is the best sacrifice we can give to God, as we control it, whether we are rich or poor, studying or working, employed or unemployed, old or young. Believe me, but time is also the most difficult for us to sacrifice. That is why God does not need our money or our status or our friends. He needs our time. In good times and in worse times, we should give our time to Him everyday. This will help, know Him better, obey Him, listen to Him, talk to Him, bring glory and honor to Him. This will prosper God, and when we prosper God, He too will prosper us….
Testimony by : Dan Edwin (Host at BRM)